Bronte Village Eye Care

Our Practice in Oakville, ON

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Eye Care From an Experienced, Compassionate Team

Welcome to Bronte Village Eye Care, proudly serving the Oakville area for over a decade! Our goal is to provide comprehensive eye care for every member of your family while creating a warm, welcoming environment.

Bronte Village Eye Care was first opened by Dr. Karen Smith in 2008. After 10 years of serving the Bronte Village community, she decided to step down from ownership in order to spend more time with family and friends and pursue personal interests. After a long and careful search, Dr. Smith found doctors that share the same passion and commitment towards optometry as she does: Dr. Kelly Gallagher and Dr. Sandra Ho.

Dr. Gallagher and Dr. Ho strive to provide high-quality eye care through uncompromised service and state-of-the-art technology. By building a reliable team of eye care professionals who bring their passions and unique experiences, they provide the care Oakville communities deserve.

Our Mission

To deliver the highest quality eye care through the most up-to-date research, innovation, and products; while treating each patient with the utmost professionalism, integrity, and sensitivity.

Our Doctors


Dr. Kelly Gallagher


Dr. Sandra Ho


Dr. Laura Marno

Our Staff









A Few Words From Dr. Karen Smith, Founder of Bronte Village Eye Care

For over 38 years you have entrusted you and your families’ eye health with me; thank you for your confidence and support. I will cherish the time we spent together.

I have no doubt that you will continue to receive excellent ongoing care with Dr. Gallagher, Dr. Ho and all the staff at Bronte Village Eye Care. These two doctors were selected for their integrity, professional expertise and caring nature.

Now it’s time for me to move on to new adventures. Please take care of yourselves, be safe and well.

All the best, Dr. Karen Smith

Where to Find Us

You can find our clinic right on Marine Drive, just one block from the Bronte Harbour. We’re close to shopping and other amenities, and parking is ample. Come see us soon!

Our Address

2425 Marine Drive
Oakville, ON L6L 1C6

Contact Information

Our Hours

8:30 am – 4:30 pm
9:00 am – 6:30 pm
8:30 am – 4:30 pm
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
8:30 am – 4:30 pm
By Appointment Only

Our Services

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