What is Dry Eye Disease?
Dry eyes affect approximately 30% of Canadians. It typically occurs for one of two reasons: either your eyes aren’t able to produce enough tears, or they produce poor-quality tears that evaporate too quickly.
In many cases, dry eyes result from a blockage in the meibomian glands, which produce oil to keep your tear film stable and balanced. When this oil can’t reach the tear film, the tears evaporate too fast and leave the eyes feeling uncomfortably dry.
Possible Symptoms of Dry Eye Include…
- A burning sensation in or around your eyes
- The feeling of grit (such as sand or dirt) in your eyes
- Eyes that water constantly or excessively
- Redness of the skin around the eyes
- Eyes that feel bleary or tired, even when you are well-rested
- Persistent itching and irritation